Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Its Time to Help Others

I know most of the time I am worry about paying bills, looking for a job, checking inventory in my esite, my baby......... I will not finish my list of things that I always think about it every day. But now its time to stop and think that there are a lot people who need our help. We are healthy, we have our full body working: hands, legs, body and mind. We have the power to do more things that just thinking on our problems and bills; we can help and any way you can, If you have extra time go and do voluntary activities such as : listen stories in asylum, take your kids there you will see how they enjoy to be around the kids. Donate as you can to Saint Jude and other orgs. that need help.
Do not stop to waste your time thinking, thinking do something and you will value your life, time and health and of course you will be so bless. has a goal to help in the following:

1.- Women Cancer Society. will donate $1 for each piece of make up We sell, so if you like to buy 5 or 6 lipstick We eill donate $6 dollars.
2.- Chernobyl Childre: have you look and read this site?, I invite you to read it and think that we are so bless, we have everything and of course we are healthy; and this children need our help. Come and visit the site inform yourself and donate. will donate $1 for every purchase you do.